Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 36

We went for a booze run as they say. LCBO downtown Oakville was shut tight as a drum. Sadness prevailed...walking in the wind for nothing I was thinking but then I saw this. Not very clear as the wind threatened to throw my phone into the harbour. I but I love the patterns of shapes in this pic just the same. 

Thinking more about what Almyra said about Miksang photography. It's like you don't want to fit the thing you notice into your own frame (of reference, perspective, trend etc) but allow it's frame or structure to be itself. I don't think I know how to do that.


  1. This is seriously, truly, my favourite meditative moment of the day. Now, if ONLY I could start walking each day the way you do.... maybe I will dare to start when spring offers a glimpse of hope.


  2. Oh, but you can, biker girl...but being fresh from Florida could make things difficult...:(
