Saturday, February 15, 2014

DAY 30 !

The last day of my 30 - day challenge. 
The first day of my life-time challenge: to walk mindfully everyday.
I realized that walking everyday is like the idea of non-resistance in life.
This idea teaches us that the cause of our suffering is not our circumstances or reality but our resistance to it.
Walking everyday is like a microcosm of this. A walking metaphor perhaps.
Everyday I  have to accept and open myself up to what the day is:
it's reality - rain, sun , snow, gentle breeze, wind, cold or heat and walk into it.
It is. and I am. 
There will be days, and there were days,
when it's difficult to face reality.
And being open to everything in life is not really possible, how can we not resist death and suffering?
But you probably know this from experience as I do,
suffering is far greater and drawn out when we resist reality
and only deeper if we let go and allow it in,
knit it into ourselves and it becomes a sturdy row
of the fabric of our life.
What is real and true will ground us.
Like walking.
It's been freaking cold out there. I wanted to stay put and drink tea on the sofa.
I didn't want to wrap myself in layer upon layer and brace myself
for cold's bite.
I sighed. I moaned. 
But I did it. And it taught me 
this lesson.
Life is richer, deeper, and far more lovely
 when you face it.
I know I will need to learn this over and over again.
so I walk.


  1. Actually, my walking committment reminded me of your (even tougher) committment to bike to work in Winterpeg a few years back (if I recall, it was a result of taking car off the road to save up for sabbatical trip - Linda and I often refer to this with utter admiration at your determination...)

  2. Life is a gift from God that we should appreciate everyday and be thankful for it! It's a blessing!

  3. You said something to me when I was facing the impending labour of childbirth that reminds me of this. Something about facing the pain and not trying to escape it. a principle apropos to many of the things life brings us.
